Thursday, November 21, 2013

Seranto's Better Restaraunt

Okay, so this is a CRAZY restaurant. People dying left to right. But excellent service. The owner GLaDOS11, managed things in a okay manor, It was definitely not the best, or the worst. I ordered chicken and wine, and I get Bloxycola and some chicken. Also noobs every where!
Here are the pictures. This restaurant deserves 3 stars out of 5. This place is still in the process of being built. This may come up later, when it is finished :)
Entrance topiary.

Noob at the front.

Reservation stand

Dining area.


Owner GLaDOS11


More seats


Monday, November 4, 2013

Starbucks tm

Seating area

Little lounging area


Outside view

Outdoor scenery


Employee of the week

Meeting area

Another lounge/ tv


Over all, I was quite satisfied with this establishment. Id give it a 4.2 on a scale. There were guests and beginners breaking into the kitchen, standing on tables, and of course, the couple who had to do something inappropriate. They handled idiots pretty good by kicking, or killing them. I loved their services and thought they chose good people to be a barista. Over all, Starbucks (Tm) is a pretty nice restaurant to go to. The place was beautiful, well built, and matched the holidays. Not a giant drink selection though which was kind of disappointing, but the scenery DID make up for it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Costa Coffee!

Staff members



TV At the entrance

Outside view

The TV at the entrance


This restaurant was definitely worth 4.3 Stars. Well maintained staff and place. When I arrived, they were training members like a good group should do. The place is modern, and beautiful. The staff is kind, and quick. Handling trollers, and annoying people quick. This establishment is a wonderful place to eat for any occasion. A easy-to-read menu, uniforms, and a group. This group, in conclusion is a great place to get your caffeine fix day, or night. -Flare458